ole burger

Creating Images with the help of AI is a trending phenomenon over the last few years that was adopted mainly by digital developers and digital artists and reached now a threshold to have the main market impact. Compared to the early versions of the text-to-image generators from 2020, it becomes obvious that this concept of creating visuals will change all design and content industries shortly for good. Many social media influencers and early adopters utilize these new techniques to create images with this new „software“ in a cooperative manner that maybe can be best compared to commissioned work by a computer. Iterations and adjustments through text prompt make each output as unique as a fingerprint, and since the system is constantly learning in the process of creating on other users, this system needs no seeds in the randomness. As the newest addition to the process of creating these impressive computer-generated images, it is now possible to add personal images that can be included as s base to the produced individual output. In short, customer images can be creatively enhanced with a few short text recipes. It is sure these techniques will find their way into mainstream software like image processing software and apps soon. But of now a platform that enables regular users to try and produce images in a way that hasn’t been possible in the past would open a new market for DIY Art. The platform would incorporate the main text to image products under one domain and the user could take advantage of the different strengths of products, tools and services at once without having to sing up with all of them. Pricing will be based on usage and includes fuel for using the the platform. Easy access for low-res demos with watermarks can be used to show the potential of the product. Main revenue will be the payed version as well as cross sales.
